It provides everything from blocking and life to mana. Fortitude is a great runeword for any class. +150-200% enhanced defense, 25-30% increased chance of blocking, 10% faster hit recovery, damage reduced by 3%, +50-60 to life, +30-35 to mana. This helm runeword should be your first priority as it will give you a great boost in resistance. There are so many options, but here are some of the best runewords you can make with the runes you find in normal through nightmare:

In addition to the standard axes, bows, maces, polearms, staves, swords and spears available to other characters, Assassins may also use whips, claws and throwing weapons such as knives and javelins.

Like Amazons, Assassins use martial arts techniques along with a variety of weapons and devices to aid them in combat. Assassins are also the only class capable of using Shadow Disciplines, which provides them with powerful defensive and offensive skills that can be used to further enhance their effectiveness in combat. The Assassin is a character who specializes in killing quickly and silently, with a massive arsenal of techniques and traps designed to take down enemies as efficiently and expediently as possible.