Previous purchases may be unavailable if they are no longer on the iTunes Store. Your purchases are available in the iTunes Store on your Mac or in the iTunes app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Download your past music purchases again at no additional cost. Purchase music from any device or computer and automatically download a copy to your Mac and iOS devices. You can also download your past iTunes purchases.

The music you purchase in iTunes appears automatically on all your devices. iTunes 10.3, however, brings to the public new iCloud-related features unveiled by Apple yesterday, such as iTunes in the Cloud “beta” to push songs across all your devices (but still no mention of iTunes Match), Automatic Downloads, and previous purchases – a handy new functionality to see all the apps and songs you purchases from Apple’s iTunes / App Store and re-download them at any time. A few hours later than initially expected after Apple updated the official page to show a new version number, iTunes 10.3 was finally made available for download last night, while developers were already able to install the new iTunes 10.5 beta from the Dev Center.